Experimental assessment of site-specific environmental parameters - Life Phoenix
An improvement of the numerical model of PFAS spreading has been achieved

Among the activities carried out by ARPAV (partner of LIFE PHOENIX) as part of the project, there is the development of forecasting tools through the implementation of a numerical model of PFAS transport in water, the environmental matrix most affected by pollution. Particularly important, in this last phase of the project activity, is the experimental assessment of the site-specific environmental parameters that have characterized the transport and distribution of contaminants in groundwater.
For their assessment, a specific experimental research activity was carried out which saw the gathering of numerous soil samples from the subsoil through the realization of three boreholes pushed to a depth of 35 m from the ground level. This activity ended positively on December 23, with the sampling of 5 different soil matrices (including gravels, sands and clays), representative of the contaminated aquifer in high and medium plains.
These samples were then delivered to a specialized laboratory for the experimental assessment of the site-specific partition coefficients of the 15 species of perfluoroalkyl substances simulated in the model. The results achieved in this last phase are particularly important because they allowed to reach a double objective: to obtain site-specific parameters with an improvement in the model of dispersion of pollutants and, no less important, to assess environmental parameters on the spreading of PFAS, which are contaminants little-known internationally and therefore of high scientific value.
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