LIFE PHOENIX Project at the NORMAN 2019 general assembly - Life Phoenix
NORMAN network 2019 general assembly, held in Milan (Italy) from 27 to 29 of November, was organized by CNR-IRSA, partner of the LIFE Phoenix project. During the NORMAN 2019 event, attended by 64 partners from EU Member States, an info point dedicated to the Veneto Region project has been set up, where technical brochures and information materials has been distributed.
The activity was part of the ongoing exchange of information between Italian and European institutional bodies involved in the management of the PFAS emergency and pollution. NORMAN, in particular, is the network of reference laboratories, research centres and related organisations for monitoring of emerging environmental substances
The NORMAN network facilitates the exchange of information on emerging environmental substances, and encourages the validation and harmonisation of common measurement methods and monitoring tools so that the requirements of risk assessors and risk managers can be better met. It specifically seeks both to promote and to benefit from the synergies between research teams from different countries in the field of emerging substances.
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