LIFE PHOENIX: functionality and perspectives of the information and statistical system to support risk analysis - Life Phoenix
The project information tool, helping to identify potential human health risks and to monitor their evolution over time, constitutes a versatile system to support the prevention and mitigation of environmental contamination.
One of the LIFE PHOENIX project key actions concerned the development of an integrated information and statistical system that facilitates the competent institutions in assessing the human health risks related to the presence in the environment of persistent and mobile organic contaminants (PMOC). The tool, developed with the contribution of all project partners, allows to gather and interconnect, within a single virtual container, the territorial, environmental and health data held by various public bodies in the Veneto Region.
The information system represents one of the pillars of the governance model proposed by LIFE PHOENIX. Following the conclusion of the project, it will be regularly nourished according to deadlines agreed with the data providing bodies, allowing the various regional institutions that deal with the Environment and Health to share their information assets in a structured and systematic way via a common platform. For example, the portal allows to easily view on a map the possible sources of pollution that insist on a given hydrographic basin (fig. 1), or to produce graphs about the contaminants time trend in the different environmental matrices (fig. 2).
The risk assessment and management for the hydro-drinking supply chain is one of the areas in which this integration will have to actualize through the instrument of the Water Safety Plans, as required by the most recent national legislation and finally also by the new EU 2020/2184 Directive on drinking water. Within this framework, the competent Institutions and the Integrated Water Service Managing Bodies will have to systematically assess the risks that quantitatively and qualitatively threaten the drinking water supply along the entire supply chain, from the collection to the treatment phase and up to the distribution network. This evaluation process requires knowledge of the sources of danger present inside the supply basin, which is only possible by integrating numerous data flows from different sources.
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