LIFE PHOENIX: meeting with the regional Health Units to illustrate the first project results and involve them in the dissemination actions - Life Phoenix
As part of the LIFE Phoenix project activities, a videoconference meeting was held yesterday morning between the project team managers and the representatives of the Veneto Health Units. The meeting, coordinated by the Prevention Dept. of the Veneto Region (lead partner of the project), aimed to illustrate the path so far undertaken with the contribution of all partners (Arpav, IRSA-CNR, UNIPD and Azienda Zero) and to present some of the main results achieved.
Particular attention was paid to the essential elements of the project, such as the governance model for the prevention and management of environmental contamination and the information and statistical system (data warehouse), for which some possible applications in relation to the Water Safety Plans have also been defined. The speakers then dwelt on the progress of the different actions, implemented despite the difficult conditions at the beginning of the year due to the Covid-19 emergency.
More in detail, the issues concerned aspects such as: the predictive model for pollutant diffusion, the analytical methods for the determination of PFAS, the socio-economic impact assessment, the water purification techniques and the environmental early warning through sentinel organisms. Questions and requests for further information on the part of the Health Units operators involved were therefore discussed in specific moments between the various technical focuses.
The final part of the meeting was dedicated to the presentation of the networking actions, communication products and dissemination materials realized within the LIFE Phoenix project. Precisely on this latter aspect, the Veneto Region has envisioned the direct involvement of the Health Units representatives in the project dissemination actions at the local offices and reference municipalities, in order to raise awareness among citizens and stakeholders about the issues in question, also through the use and distribution of specific information materials, such as project brochures and posters.
This event represented the start of a series of discussions with local public structures within the framework of the LIFE Phoenix project dissemination actions.
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