LIFE PHOENIX: improvement of analytical methods for the determination of PFAS - Life Phoenix
In order to study the performances of the technological and natural tools (forecast and mitigation) adopted in action B3 and B4, and to assess the results of the planned monitoring campaign, reliable analytical protocols were developed to determine the PFAS concentration. Broad analytical methodologies to assess PFAS concentration were already known, available in literature and partially already in use in ARPAV and CNR-IRSA laboratories. However, for the purposes of LIFE PHOENIX Project, it was necessary to obtain fit-for-purpose procedures for the specific contaminants and for the environmental matrices selected.
Hence, the laboratories of ARPAV and CNR-IRSA have implemented and refined Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) for nine perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids and three perfluoroalkyl sulfonic acids, including the so called short-chain PFAS (from C4 to C7). While ARPAV laboratories put the effort on the validation and accreditation of methods for the analyses of drinking uses and environmental waters (groundwater, surface waters and wastewater) and sediments of agriculture soils, CNR-IRSA laboratory validated methods for the analyses of vegetable and animal organisms according to the Project purposes.
In general, for all procedures, a first extraction step from the compartment involved is included, followed eventually by a cleanup step according to the complexity of the matrix and the final quantification with liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry technique (LC/MS). The validated SOPs permitted to verify the efficiency of the mitigation strategies proposed for water for drinking uses (pilot plant of ion exchange resins) and for the waters for irrigation use (phytodepuration pilot plant including its implementation at wetlands scale) and to quantify the level of PFAS in the environmental compartments considered with action B4.
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