LIFE PHOENIX presented at SETAC SciCon 2020 - Life Phoenix
ARPAV and CNR-IRSA, on behalf of the LIFE PHOENIX Project, participated at the 30th European Meeting of SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). The 2020 edition of the international congress, initially scheduled from 3 to 7 May in Dublin, has been entirely reorganized in virtual mode during the same days. The event was attended by around 2000 scientists from 60 countries around the world.
The LIFE PHOENIX project was presented with the support of two information posters in the working day called "Environmental policy, risk management and science communication", during the session dedicated to the assessment and management of the PFAS problem. The first format, entitled "LIFE PHOENIX: a new project for the management of water pollution from short-chain PFAS in Veneto Region", described the strategic objectives of the LIFE PHOENIX Project, summarizing the main actions, including containment strategies and innovative forecasting methodologies.
The second information poster, entitled "Monitoring of PFAS in edible crops on an area impacted by a fluorochemical plant", highlighted the environmental monitoring action of LIFE PHOENIX designed to the preliminary assessment of the PFAS impact on the plant matrix , correlating environmental contamination data (irrigation water, soil) with concentrations found in aquatic plants and crops collected in the so-called red, yellow and green areas. Specifically, preliminary data from the first year of sampling show that, compared to irrigation water, soil contamination more properly reflects the identified health exposure areas and that, anyway, the soils act decisively in mitigating the PFAS diffusion towards the vegetable sector, with maximum concentrations of 6 ng / g of PFAS found in the edible parts.
During the same work session, IRSA-CNR also presented the preliminary data of an ongoing collaboration with US-EPA and ARPAV searching for new fluorinated substances.
The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) is a non-profit international multidisciplinary professional association that is interested in environmental issues by interfacing with the various aspects related to Technological Research and Development, Industrial Production and institutional areas of control and regulation. The main objectives are the development of principles and good practices for the protection, improvement and management of environmental quality and the integrity of ecosystems and the stimulus of interactions between environmental scientists and other stakeholders.
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