Success for the webinar series "PFAS: Models, Techniques and Tools for Evaluation and Intervention" - Life Phoenix
Over 260 contacts registered. Sessions' videos available.
The series of webinars entitled "PFAS Question: Models, Techniques and Tools for Evaluation and Intervention", organized on November 26 and 27 by the Department of Biology of the University of Padua, LIFE PHOENIX project partner, proved to be an excellent opportunity to disseminate the emerging contaminants issues, registering more than 260 web contacts overall during the 4 sessions held.
In detail, the first Session (Public Management) saw the intervention of the Veneto Region on the governance for the management of environmental emergencies in cases of pollution, with an eye, in particular, on specific activities of the LIFE PHOENIX project. The development of an important three-dimensional forecasting model on the dispersion of PFAS in the water bodies of the Veneto Region has therefore been shown.
The second Session (Scientific Approaches) took into consideration the analysis and development of models for the study of the dynamics of pollutants in aquatic environments. Specifically, the analytical data of experimentation and evaluation of the presence of PFAS were presented, both in a controlled environment and in the field.
During the third Session (Industry), which started the programme of the second day, the PFAS issue was analyzed under various angles, highlighting the risks for the health of ecosystems and the human population: from an overview of the genesis and disposal of PFAS to the difficulties of detection when these compounds are linked to other compounds, up to their use in various production areas.
The last Session (Agriculture) finally placed the emphasis on the risks and potential of water networks and on the perspective of a constant implementation of biodiversity in the agrosystems of the Veneto Region, with an eye to the sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda.
The event programme and the webinar series video recordings are available for consultation below.
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