May 31, 2019
A summary of the project results presented at the 29th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting

Several foreign universities and research facilities interested in the LIFE PHOENIX Project

Many conference contributions discussed the topic of fluorotelomeric precursors and, in
addition, several informative materials have been disseminated, including a LIFE PHOENIX poster aimed at illustrating some of the emerged results within the project. In particular, the experiment conducted on radicchio plants was showed, which attracted the interest of some researchers affiliated to foreign institutes (notably the universities of Antwerp and Amsterdam). Therefore,
informative project material was distributed, giving the opportunity for interested parties to subscribe to the mailing list in order to receive related updates.

The working program was also a fruitful occasion for a discussion between the project
representatives and prof. Fang Wang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing (China), who proposed to establish a collaboration between her research group and IRSA-CNR within
the CNR-CAS bilateral project framework. The proposal's goal, that will be evaluated, is the application of PFAS emergency management methodologies in China.

Regarding the conference speeches, a mention goes to the presentation of Theresa Lopez, environmental consultant at Tetra Tech Inc. - Center for Ecological Sciences
(USA), which presented the advantages of an integrated assessment based on the "One Health" approach, citing as an example the application of this methodology to the
management of environmental problems arising from PFAS spreading. These compounds were also the main topic discussed in a dedicated session called "State of the Science on Emerging and Novel Polyand Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs)".

For more information about the content of all the contributions presented at the conference, see the abstract book available on the website