Azione B1

Action B1: organization of a control and risk analysis system

The procedures concern the implementation of an inter-institutional system that will monitor and manage all the problems (Action B.1) through expert workgroups that will analyse and translate all information contained and generated by an informative and statistic system and by a Permanent Regional Commission. The action will allow to draw up guidelines for the control and management of contamination related issues and, at the same time, it will define a prevention system and an action plan to manage PMOC post-contamination too. The project results will be available and ready-transferable on other European areas interested by similar contamination by PMOC.

Azione B2

Action B2: implementation of an informative and statistic system

The informative-statistic system (Action B.2) will be integrated by multiple databases originating from various local, regional and national institutions, thus making them of easy and immediate access and, through a dedicated web portal, adapted to the needs of the various regional interdisciplinary workgroups. The databases will be organized in different thematic areas to facilitate the data gathering by experts for the necessary technical and scientific processing.

Azione B3

Action B3: technological innovation and development

At the same time as the previous action, in the Action B.3 the LIFE PHOENIX Project will compare and validate several innovative mitigation and control systems for pollution (short-chain PFAS in this specific project), through the design of pilot plants for the purification of drinking water (physico-chemical breakdown systems based on resin filters) and irrigation water (phytodepuration in wetland systems).

Azione B4

Action B4: innovative and integrated forecast tools to support decision-making

A further concrete action will concern the use of innovative and integrated forecasting tools to reinforce decision-making (Action B.4), that will estimate and predict diffusion in the environmental matrices of the examined contaminants and set up biological and eco-toxicological systems of early warning to support risk management.

Azione C1

Action C1: environmental monitoring

The environmental monitoring action (Action C.1) will be aimed at measuring the performance and advancement of the project, in particular through the validation of target analytical methods (with the study of the effectiveness of the technological tools adopted) and the analysis of water, soil, plant and animals (with a field analytical work to test the action performance in all environmental matrices).

Azione C2

Action C2: socio-economic impact

A study consolidating the data and results achieved over the project lifetime will be realized (Action C.2). Environmental impact assessment is an intrinsically complex multi-dimensional process, involving multiple criteria and multiple actors. In this project, a multi-criteria technique is adopted for the purpose of identifying the needs of the population in the target area and subsequently define coherent objectives that can meet those needs, the necessary resources to achieve those objectives, the products and the results going to be produced.

Azione D1

Action D1: communication and dissemination to general audiences

A series of communication and dissemination activities (Action D.1) will be aimed at non-technical publics (e.g. schools, citizens, etc.) in order to spread the project results, draw attention and raise awareness on water/environmental sustainability issues as well as to encourage more eco-friendly lifestyle and choices. This action will also involve school districts to encourage greater awareness on the use of water as a valuable asset.

Azione D2

Action D2: communication and dissemination to technical audiences and stakeholders

Specific communication and dissemination activities (Action D.2) will be targeted towards technical-scientific audiences (scientists from universities and research centres, technical public officers and technicians from water supply companies that control and manage the presence of these contaminants in water, etc.) and stakeholders (policy makers, manufacturers, farmers, etc.). This action will develop specific activities to enhance stakeholders’ awareness of the problems caused by persistent emerging pollutants – with particular reference to citizens’ health – and favour the transferability of the experience.