Risultati | Life Phoenix - Life Phoenix
Expected results
Major expected results include:
- The development of a complete integrated and inter-institutional system for the knowledge and management of environmental pollution events related to PMOC, and more specifically PFAS. The system will include the exchange and continuous updating of expert groups that will support a Permanent Regional Commission for PFAS. The Guidelines, used for replicability and transferability, will be the product of this activity and they will support the adoption of the proposed project strategy and solutions to the authorities that will face similar problems. To this aim, contacts have already been taken
with authorities in Belgium, France and the Netherlands. - The implementation of an informative and statistic system that will provide exhaustive information to expert groups. The informative and statistic system will be complemented with IT/technical/scientific tools of early warning and integrated forecast to support health/environmental risk assessment related to PFAS.
- Technological innovation and the development of solutions, which will lead to an improvement of water quality. The pilot-scale plant regarding drinking water will treat 9.000 m3 water producing an estimated PFAS removal of 30 gr. This test will demonstrate that, if applied to a full-size plant (related to the population inside the project area), it could treat 25 million m3 / year with a removal capacity of 50 Kg.
Regarding irrigation water, the full implementation of the pilot-scale (for a total 5 ha area of wetland system) will remediate 2,5 million m3 / year with a removal capacity of 500 gr. / year.
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