Schools - Life Phoenix
Materiale di partecipazione
The LIFE PHOENIX project wanted to dedicate specific actions to the new generations, to promote awareness towards environmental issues and to encourage greater attentiveness about the use of water as a precious resource.
Through the “Life Phoenix for the School” initiative, in particular, many activities were carried out for students from upper secondary schools in the Veneto Region, such as training sessions, educational materials and audiovisual products. To make the process more effective, teachers were also involved, through the use of specific in-depth kits developed with the contribution of the scientific partners of the project.
The involvement of schools (Art High Schools and Art Institutes, on the one hand, and Scientific High Schools and Technical-Industrial Institutes, on the other) was launched during the 2019/2020 school year with an invitation to participate at the initiative. Educational meetings were organized for students and teachers, which saw the project partners as protagonists in the explanations and answers to the young people's questions about the value of water and the pollution-related issues, especially from PFAS.
Following the Covid-19 health emergency and the consequent closure of upper secondary schools, these educational sessions were carried out remotely, with the wrapping up of two webinars attended online by over 160 classes. Subsequently, the webinar recordings were also published on the LIFE PHOENIX YouTube channel, thus making it possible to increase the number of teenagers and schools able to take advantage of these interesting insights on the subject. Numerous emails were also received from teachers and school managers in response to the issues treated, demonstrating the interest aroused.
At the end of this path with the experts, the school students were asked to write a brief subject for a short film that would help to understand some of the scientific contents of the project and to think about the absolute value of water in human life and art. Among the papers received, two were chosen: "The importance of water and nature", from the Rosselli Art School of Castelfranco Veneto (TV), and "Ideas for disseminating the Life Phoenix project", from the IIS Scalcerle of Padua.
In addition to the short films, a water theme cartoon was also made for younger children. In order to realize the cartoon, a storyboard entitled "The rediscovered river", conceived by the pupils from the "Leonardo da Vinci" primary school in Quarto d'Altino (VE), was selected via the Veneto Region initiative "Raccontiamo la Salute" ("Let's talk about Health").
All the audiovisual products have also been dubbed into English to allow a greater diffusion at European level.
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